
Thursday Feb 29, 2024
Thursday Feb 29, 2024
“We need to have the next generation totally without it.”
“How can you be in a position of chinuch and such a device?”
To many, his claims still sound preposterous.
To Mr. Ronnie Adjmi, the smartphone is a device that is denying our children the full usage of the gifts Hashem has granted them.
As the CEO of a multi-million dollar enterprise who owns nothing more than a talk-and-text flip phone, he is living proof that making the switch is not only entirely possible, but the best possible thing we can do for our children and students.
A Project of Torah Umesorah

Sunday Jan 07, 2024
Sunday Jan 07, 2024
Mrs. Hindy Housman, a seasoned educator with over 40 years of experience in the field of education, hosts a candid conversation with Mrs. Shifra Miriam Erlich, a dynamic social skills coach. Mrs. Erlich specializes in breaking down social norms into their smallest, learnable parts.
A Project of Torah Umesorah

Monday Nov 27, 2023
Monday Nov 27, 2023
Leading a chinuch institution as a menahel or menaheles is a demanding role.
Balancing the interests of students, parents, and staff requires nerves of steel and a heart of gold.
In this podcast, we are joined by four esteemed leaders from different schools across the United States. They will share their insights into the challenges and rewards of their role as principals.
Get ready to learn from their experiences and hear what drives their passion to carry out their avodas hakodesh.
Rabbi Yehuda Deutsch:
Rabbi Yehuda Deutsch is the Assistant Dean at TAG in Far Rockaway, NY. He has two decades of experience as a Rebbi at Yeshiva Darchei Torah and has also served as a General Studies principal, most recently at Yeshiva Torah Vodaath in Brooklyn, NY. A Talmid of Yeshivas Mir Yerushalayim, Rabbi Deutsch holds a Master's in Education and Administration from Azrieli Graduate School and a certificate of postgraduate training from Bar Ilan University.
Rabbi Yerachmiel Garfield:
For over a decade, Rabbi Yerachmiel Garfield has been the Head of School at the rapidly growing Yeshiva Torat Emet in Houston, Texas. He has previously served as a ninth-grade rebbe, school counselor, and adjunct professor to graduate students.
Rabbi Yaakov Sadigh:
Rabbi Yaakov Sadigh is the Head of School at Katz Hillel Day School In Boca Raton, Florida. He has worked in Jewish Education for the past 28 years in numerous capacities, including teaching and administration. Rabbi Sadigh holds a Master's in Education and Special Education from Touro College, a Master's in School Building Leadership from St. John’s University, and a Rabbinic Ordination from Nechamas Yerushalayim.
Rabbi Tuvia Steinharter:
Rabbi Tuvia Steinharter has nearly two decades of diverse experience in Chinuch and School Leadership, including many years as a rebbi, kriah coordinator at Yeshiva RJJ Merkaz Hatorah, and over a decade as Secular Studies Principal at Yeshiva Toras Emes in Lakewood, NJ. In 2017, he founded Cheder Tiferes Yisroel in Lakewood, NJ, where he serves as Head of School.
A Project of Torah Umesorah

Tuesday Aug 15, 2023
Tuesday Aug 15, 2023
When you see a student sitting in your classroom, you are only seeing one part of her. The other non-school parts, those may be challenges you are not aware of. Discover how to help your student function fully in the classroom.
In this episode, host Mrs. Hindy Housman, a seasoned educator with over 40 years in the chinuch field, engages in a candid conversation with Mrs. Rana Reisman, a 35-year certified reading specialist. Delving into the hidden challenges students face outside the classroom, Mrs. Reisman's extensive teaching background, including high school, seminary, and college programs, offers valuable insights. Join them as they discuss strategies to promote students' comprehensive development, providing essential guidance for educators and parents.
A Project of Torah Umesorah

Tuesday Aug 01, 2023
Tuesday Aug 01, 2023
Part 2
Learn why some students lag behind, and put ‘doable tips’ into practice for a better classroom experience.
Rabbi Aaron Kagan, Director of Special Projects at Torah Umesorah, interviews Rabbi Yaakov Oppen, General Studies Principal at Bais Mikroah and experienced educator passionate about inclusive education. They explore reasons for student lag and share actionable tips for a better classroom. Join these educators for practical insights on personalized learning, inclusive environments, and supporting struggling students. This podcast will inspire and empower parents and educators to transform education and ensure no student is left behind. Get ready to embrace 'doable tips' and unlock every learner's potential.
Watch Rabbi Oppen's Presentation at the TU Convention+ Handouts
A Project of Torah Umesorah

Tuesday Aug 01, 2023
Tuesday Aug 01, 2023
Part 1
Learn why some students lag behind, and put ‘doable tips’ into practice for a better classroom experience.
Rabbi Aaron Kagan, Director of Special Projects at Torah Umesorah, interviews Rabbi Yaakov Oppen, General Studies Principal at Bais Mikroah and experienced educator passionate about inclusive education. They explore reasons for student lag and share actionable tips for a better classroom. Join these educators for practical insights on personalized learning, inclusive environments, and supporting struggling students. This podcast will inspire and empower parents and educators to transform education and ensure no student is left behind. Get ready to embrace 'doable tips' and unlock every learner's potential.
Watch Rabbi Oppen's Presentation at the TU Convention+ Handouts
A Project of Torah Umesorah